Client Solutions team members become your trusted advisors through the evolution of your travel program. The foundation of our success includes a single point of accountability, weekly business reviews, and customized solutions.
Comprehensive business planning, targeted measures of success aligned with company/programs goals & objectives, and dynamic quarterly business reviews ensures program success.
We deliver a risk management solution that aligns with our clients objectives to ensure the safety of employees.
ETIntelligence provides decision makers the most robust data and analysis on trends aligned to the organization’s structure and goals to drive timely decisions that have a positive impact on the organization.
Our Zero full service and online transaction fees reduce travel program cost; and drive compliance, savings, and duty of care. A fee structure aligned with how our clients procure is the foundation of a successful travel program. We offer one of the most aggressive and flexible fee structures in the industry, backed by our ETFree Guarantee.
Our 15 Point Savings Plan can save our clients up to 25% on their overall travel spend offering multiple saving tiers ranging from conservative to aggressive, allowing client to choose which best aligns with their overall program goals and initiatives – backed by our ETSavings Guarantee.
As trusted advisors to our clients we offer consulting on all aspects of your travel program from procure to pay. Our consulting covers all components of your travel program such as travel policy, online booking tool configuration, supplier agreements, payment & reconciliation.
Travel has changed, from how it is purchased, consumed and managed – we Simplify Travel. Executive Travel applies what we learned during the ETIntelligence evaluation phase to ensure an accurate and on time implementation is delivered every time, back by our ETImplementation Guarantee.


Client Solutions team members become your trusted advisors through the evolution of your travel program. The foundation of our success includes a single point of accountability, weekly business reviews, and customized solutions.


Comprehensive business planning, targeted measures of success aligned with company/programs goals & objectives, and dynamic quarterly business reviews ensures program success.


We deliver a risk management solution that aligns with our clients’ objectives to ensure the safety of employees.


ETIntelligence provides decision makers the most robust data and analysis on trends aligned to the organization’s structure and goals to drive timely decisions that have a positive impact on the organization.


Our Zero full service and online transaction fees reduce travel program cost, and drive compliance, savings, and duty of care. A fee structure aligned with how our clients procure is the foundation of a successful travel program. We offer one of the most aggressive and flexible fee structures in the industry, backed by our ETFree Guarantee.


Our 15 Point Savings Plan can save our clients up to 25% on their overall travel spend offering multiple saving tiers ranging from conservative to aggressive, allowing the client to choose which best aligns with their overall program goals and initiatives – backed by our ETSavings Guarantee.


As trusted advisors to our clients, we offer consulting on all aspects of your travel program from procurement to payment. Our consulting covers all components of your travel program such as travel policy, online booking tool configuration, supplier agreements, payment & reconciliation.


Travel has changed, from how it is purchased, consumed and managed – we Simplify Travel. Executive Travel applies what we learned during the ETIntelligence evaluation phase to ensure an accurate and on time implementation is delivered every time, backed by our ETImplementation Guarantee.


Best in Class travel programs are built around the traveler experience. Our industry leading 91 Net Promoter Score speaks volumes.


What makes us different? Listed below are videos of seven major competitive advantages that Executive Travel offers compared to other travel management companies.


Our blueprint for
up to 25% savings

Everybody says they can save you money. Executive Travel puts their money where their mouth is with ETSavings, our exclusive 25% travel management savings model. ETSavings implements our 15 point savings plan that allows you to align your company goals, objectives and culture with the opportunity to save up to 25% using our proven travel management model. And the best part is ETSavings is backed by Executive Travel’s ETGuarantee. If you are looking for the perfect balance of service and savings now is the right time to apply ETSavings to your travel management program  ETSavings – The newest innovation by Executive Travel to Simplify Travel.


The marriage of
travel service & security

ETSecure is Executive Travel’s unique, highly personalized, travelers centric travel management program that is the perfect fit for the current and post COVID-19 traveler world. Unlike our Mega TMC competitors who argue Bigger is Better by offering cookie cutter, one size fits all solutions, Executive Travel’s  ETSecure builds customized high tech solutions with personalized service. Travel management programs today need to provide travelers with people, support systems and processes that save the company money, make traveling easier and protect travelers as they travel around the world on company business. ETSecure lets you know where your people are and how to communicate with them 24/7. ETSecure – The newest innovation by Executive Travel to Simplify Travel.


Our tactical
10 point business plan

A goal without a plan is just a wish. ETRoadmap is Executive Travel’s battle tested exclusive 10 point business plan that maps out every step of your travel management program so that your company can meet your goals in all areas of Contracts, Travel Policy, Products & Services, Supplier Management (Savings), Client Satisfaction, Program Compliance/Expansion, Operations, Traveler safety and security, Payment, and Travel Reporting. Preparing for the future is done by planning for it today. ETRoadmap prepares travel departments to look beyond the past and build for the future. ETRoadmap builds a visualization dashboard that allows your team to easily understand your progress and implement accountability and visibility that turns your travel management goals into reality. ETRoadmap – The newest innovation by Executive Travel to Simplify Travel.


Zero full service
& online transaction fees

Tired of getting nickel and dimed with travel management company transaction fees. ETZero is Executive Travel’s exclusive program that eliminates full service and online transaction fees.  Using next generation sourcing with airlines, hotels and car rental companies Executive Travel generates revenue for your company that can be used to eliminate both full service and online transaction fees. Call on the phone $0 fee, email us $0 fee, go online $0 fee. Let us show you how our world-leading travel management programs leverage next generation sourcing to eliminate your transaction fees. ETZero – The newest innovation by Executive Travel to Simplify Travel.


Platinum advisor service
(VIP service without the VIP cost)

Everything we do is tied to our core value of urgency. When Executive Travel says they are the fastest TMC in the industry we mean that all our services put the highest priority on the speed and ease of doing business with us. Let’s face it, one of the biggest points of pain for many people is having to call a company and press 6 buttons only to be put on hold for 5 minutes and finally getting to talk to someone who does not know you. Executive Travel has thrown out the call center model and replaced it with our Platinum Advisor service that allows travelers to select their personal dedicated travel advisor who provides each traveler with their direct phone number and email address for VIP service without the VIP cost. Platinum Advisor Service – The newest innovation by Executive Travel to Simplify Travel.


hotel sourcing

Where can business travelers find the best hotel rates? Executive travel took on the myth that Expedia offers the lowest hotel rates, to see if executive travel negotiated hotel rates were competitive. Executive Travel engaged Zulu Solutions to compare hotel rates in 433 random sites, At 921 properties and discovered that the Executive Travel- negotiated hotel rates were lower than Expedia by an average of $36.41 per night. Finding the best prices for hotels for your next business trip is easy. Simply book your hotels with Executive Travel. The very best at negotiating hotel rates. World class hotel sourcing. Just another way Executive Travel helps you simplify travel.


It’s not what you say that
matters, it’s what you do

Everybody says they offer great service, Executive Travel proves it. Over half of the fortune 1000 companies use the Net promoter Score, a customer loyalty index. NPS scores range from negative 100 to 100. To date Executive Travel scores a world class 91. Distinguishing us as one of the premier companies in the world. In regards to customer loyalty and satisfaction. This compares to leaders such as Apple, Ritz Carlton, Nordstrom, Verizon, State Farm, Jet Blue, and Amazon. If you are looking for great service, start with Executive Travel. Executive Travel understands it’s not what you say that matters, it’s what you do. Superior customer service – another way Executive Travel simplifies travel for you.


ETIntelligence is both our methodology and suite of proprietary and 3rd party products and services that drive our clients’ travel programs.


Executive Travel partners with our clients in a phased approach to manage the evolution of the travel program to achieve the optimum balance in cost, service, and security.