Travel Week in Review – December 18, 2020

In the past decade, the world has seen a steady rise in travel and tourism that undoubtedly influenced the trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic. People flew in and out of China six times as much on a daily basis in 2018 than in 2002—the year SARS, the first coronavirus to become lethal to humans, first appeared. Just as travel, and global mobility more broadly, have changed how fast and far infectious disease can spread, Covid-19 will no doubt impact how we travel. Read More…
United Airlines is making a multimillion-dollar investment into technology that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, marking a shift in the carrier’s sustainability strategy away from the “easy path” of carbon offset programs, according to United CEO Scott Kirby. United will invest in 1PointFive, a partnership between a subsidiary of Occidental and Rusheen Capital Management that is building an industrial-sized plant for capturing carbon.Read More…
On November 9, Marriott International invited industry professionals to The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner—located in northern Virginia not far from Marriott’s Bethesda headquarters—for Connect with Confidence, a hybrid event where planners got a look at the global hotel giant’s latest COVID-19-related protocols and hybrid meeting capabilities. With about 45 in-person attendees, many of them planners, and more than 200 virtual attendees, the event also seemed to be a way for Marriott to test the waters. Read More…
“Canada and the US agreed to keep our shared border closed until January 21,” Trudeau said in a news conference. The border was initially closed in March to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. The closure has been renewed monthly since then. Only trade in goods and merchandise and essential travel is allowed. The second wave of Covid-19 infections in Canada, with a total of nearly 450,000 cases reported as of Friday last week, has forced several regions to reintroduce pandemic measures. Read More…
Southwest Airlines will add service to Santa Barbara and Fresno Yosemite International airports in the second quarter of 2021, the carrier announced. The two airports will bring Southwest to a total of 13 in the state, including Palm Springs, where Southwest began operations in November. The carrier reports the largest network of any carrier within the state, citing U.S. Department of Transportation passenger data. Read More…
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