Procrastinator’s Alert –

Procrastinator’s Alert –

Here are six ways to outfox the massive crowds and full venues in Europe this summer – If you are like me I often like to travel “on-the-fly” and tend to make some of the minor reservations at the last minute, on-the-go. Well, finding last minute hotels and tours in Europe this summer is like finding a needle in a haystack. Flights are full, Hotels are full, lines are long and some top events are limiting daily visits in order to moderate the stress. 

Here is how to outfox the tsunami of tourists in Europe this summer:

1. “No More “Go-with-the-flow” – Make reservations in advance – My wife would be so proud of me saying this as she is a planner while I am a “go-with-the-flow” guy. Airlines are full, Hotels are full (and expensive), lines to attractions are long and patience is short. The more reservations you make in advance the less hassle you will experience on your trip to Europe this summer.

2. Buy “Skip the line” passes for entrance into all popular attractions- These passes will cost you much more than regular admission fees, however, they are worth every penny as you walk past the mile long line of tourists standing in 100 degree heat trying to get into the venue. 

3. The early bird gets the worm – Tourists in Europe need to do the majority of walking, touring, and visiting attractions as early as possible each day. The earlier you start your day the better as many tourists sleep in and start touring late morning. By starting at 8am every day you can have almost 3 hours before the other tourists start their routine. You also beat the massive wave of cruise line customers who descend on major cities when the cruises arrive in port. Practically speaking you also avoid the high temperatures and heat waves blowing across Europe again this year. Be sure to plan inside activities in the afternoon during the heat of the day. 

4. Make restaurant reservations weeks in advance as the best restaurants book up fast – Many people want to taste the local cuisine while traveling. I use the OpenTable app to make dinner reservation in Europe. This allows me a good look at the reviews and see the menu and prices before I make a reservation. 

5. It’s not what you know it’s who you know – You will be amazed at how much you can get done by simply asking the right person in Europe. The hotel manager can do amazing things that can’t be done by asking the front desk clerk. The restaurant manager is also the person that can make things happen when all else fails. With the internet today you can easily find out the names and even emails of all the managers in charge of hotels and restaurants. A simple email to them a few days before your arrival will open many doors with special service and amenities. The hotel concierge is also your best friend as he has access to venues and tickets that the normal public does not. 

6. Plan for the unexpected by planning for things to take twice the normal time – In Europe the unions are always on strike, the traffic is always backed up, the lines to buy tickets are long, the bathrooms are closed for cleaning and even the simplest things will take much longer and are different than they are in America. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy your surroundings, Remember, this is why you came to Europe to enjoy the people, places, food and culture. Don’t let the little things ruin your enjoyment

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