Travel Week in Review – April 23, 2021

As vaccines become widely available and restrictions are eased, millions of people are flying again, raising questions about just how safe it is now to board a flight. To understand how risky it may be to board a flight now, start with how air circulates in a plane. More people are flying every day, as Covid restrictions ease and vaccinations accelerate. Read More…
Global Entry and TSA PreCheck, two options under the Department of Homeland Security’s Trusted Traveler Program, that can make getting through the airport easier. While many travelers try to choose one or the other, there are a few reasons to choose Global Entry: The Global Entry program, which expedites re-entry into the U.S. after international trips, is a godsend at the tail end of long-haul flights. Read More…
When the pandemic first hit, the seemingly ironclad practices of the travel industry changed to meet the new safety needs of travelers and employees. Airlines, in particular, limited capacity on planes, blocked middle seats, eliminated change fees, and more. Now, as the world slowly inches toward some semblance of normalcy, many airlines are also reverting back to their pre-pandemic policies. Read More…
After more than a year of grounding flights in record numbers, it’s official: Air travel is making a significant comeback. As more Americans are vaccinated, the number of air passengers is also growing. According to the latest data from the Transportation Security Administration, more than 1 million fliers have consistently passed through U.S. airport security checkpoints each day this spring, including nearly 1.6 million people on April 2. Read More…
United Airlines said it’s upgraded its travel app with functions it said will make it easier to travel for passengers who test negative for Covid-19. Once the passengers’ tests are received, United’s app will notify passengers who test negative that they’re “travel ready” if they meet their destination’s travel requirements. Read More…
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